Source code for

#! usr/bin/env python3
#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

**This module enables to model buildings as thermal loads**

    Copyright 2018 G2Elab / MAGE

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pulp import LpContinuous, LpBinary

from import VariableConsumptionUnit
from ...general.optimisation.elements import *
from ...general.optimisation.core import OptObject
from ...general.utils.maths import def_abs_value

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# Stefan-boltzmann constant
BOLTZMANN = 0.000000056697   # W/m2K4

# Thermal resistance of external surfaces according to ISO 6946
RSE = 0.04

[docs]class RCNetwork_1(OptObject): # H_EA # ____ # theta_ea o---|____|----o T_int # | # _ # | | H_AC # |_| # H_EC | # ____ | # theta_ec o---|____|----o theta_c # | # _ # | | H_MC # |_| # H_EM | # ____ | # theta_em o---|____|----o theta_m # | # ___ # ___ C_M # | def __init__(self, time, name, T_ext, theta_ec, theta_em, T_int_min=0, T_int_max=50, theta_ea=None, theta_c=None, theta_m=None, h_ea=0, h_ac=0, h_ec=0, h_mc=0, h_em=0, c_m=0, f_im=None, f_r_l=0.7, f_r_p=0.5, f_r_a=0.2, f_sa=0.1, f_sm=None, f_sc=None, f_ic=None, f_hc_cv=None, U_wall=0.2, U_win=1.2, U_roof=0.2, e_wall=0.9, e_win=0.9, e_roof=0.9, a_wall=0.6, a_roof=0.6, A_wall=None, A_win=None, A_roof=None, owner=None): OptObject.__init__(self, name, 'Thermal_zone') self.time = time self.owner = owner self.F_DICT = {'F_IM': f_im, 'F_R_L': f_r_l, 'F_R_P': f_r_p, 'F_R_A': f_r_a, 'F_SA': f_sa, 'F_SM': f_sm, 'F_SC': f_sc, 'F_IC': f_ic, 'F_HC_CV': f_hc_cv} self.U_DICT = {'WIN': U_win, 'WALL': U_wall, 'ROOF': U_roof} self.E_DICT = {'WIN': e_win, 'WALL': e_wall, 'ROOF': e_roof} self.A_DICT = {'WIN': A_win, 'WALL': A_wall, 'ROOF': A_roof} self.AB_DICT = {'WALL': a_wall, 'ROOF': a_roof} # Calculation simplifications # TODO : Check try: h_1 = 1 / (1 / h_ea + 1 / h_ac) except ZeroDivisionError: h_1 = 0 # if h_ea == 0: # h_1 = h_ac # else: # h_1 = h_ea h_2 = h_1 + h_ec h_3 = 1 / (1 / h_2 + 1 / h_mc) # Cm: Explanation of /3600 (Wh/K) SIA 2044 unit is Wh/K, ISO unit is J/K self.H_C_DICT = {'H_EA': h_ea, 'H_AC': h_ac, 'H_EC': h_ec, 'H_MC': h_mc, 'H_EM': h_em, 'H_1': h_1, 'H_2': h_2, 'H_3': h_3, 'C_M': c_m / 3600} # Creation of all nodes' temperatures self.T_int = Quantity(name='T_int', lb=T_int_min, ub=T_int_max, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.T_ext = Quantity(name='T_ext', value=T_ext, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.theta_ea = Quantity(name='theta_ea', value=theta_ea, lb=-50, ub=50, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.theta_ec = Quantity(name='theta_ec', value=theta_ec, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.theta_c = Quantity(name='theta_c', value=theta_c, lb=-50, ub=50, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.theta_em = Quantity(name='theta_em', value=theta_em, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.theta_m = Quantity(name='theta_m', value=theta_m, lb=-50, ub=50, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.T_op = Quantity(name='T_op', lb=-50, ub=50, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self)
[docs]class ZEA_RCNetwork_1(RCNetwork_1): def __init__(self, time, name, T_ext, A_f, A_win, Aext_v, A_roof, footprint, U_win, U_wall, U_roof, U_base, floors, e_wall=0.9, e_win=0.9, e_roof=0.9, a_wall=0.6, a_roof=0.6, construction='heavy', height_bg=0, perimeter=0, f_hc_cv=1, void=0, hvac_prop=None, T_int_min=0, T_int_max=50, owner=None): """ Copyright 2015, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich :param time: :param name: :param T_ext: :param A_f: :param A_win: :param Aext_v: :param A_roof: :param footprint: :param U_win: :param U_wall: :param U_roof: :param U_base: :param floors: :param construction: :param height_bg: :param perimeter: :param f_hc_cv: :param void: :param hvac_prop: :param T_int_min: :param T_int_max: :param owner: """ # Import functions from City Energy Analyst - ETH Zurich from cea.demand.rc_model_SIA import calc_h_ea, calc_h_ac, calc_h_ec, \ calc_h_mc, calc_h_em, \ calc_h_op_m, calc_f_im, calc_f_sm, calc_f_sc, calc_f_ic, f_r_a, \ f_r_l, f_r_p, f_sa if hvac_prop is not None: m_v_sys = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_MECH'] m_v_w = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_W'] m_v_inf = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_INF'] else: m_v_sys = 0 m_v_w = 0 m_v_inf = 1.23 * 0.1 ** (2/3) * A_f * 0.000277778 * 3 Warning("You didn't enter any HVAC property for the thermal" " zone properties {}.".format(name)) # Calculation of the fraction of windows on walls window_to_wall_ratio = A_win / Aext_v Aop_sup = calc_Aop_sup(Awall_all=Aext_v, void=void, window_to_wall_ratio=window_to_wall_ratio) Aop_bel = calc_Aop_bel(height_bg=height_bg, perimeter=perimeter, footprint=footprint) A_tot = A_win + Aop_sup + footprint + Aop_bel + A_roof * (floors - 1) Htr_op = calc_Htr_op(Aop_bel=Aop_bel, Aop_sup=Aop_sup, footprint=footprint, U_base=U_base, U_wall=U_wall, U_roof=U_roof) Htr_w = A_win * U_win Cm_Af = get_Cm_Af(construction) # Af: conditioned floor area (heated/cooled) in [m2] A_m = calc_Am(Cm_Af=Cm_Af, Af=A_f) C_m = calc_cm(Cm_Af=Cm_Af, Af=A_f) h_ea = calc_h_ea(m_v_sys, m_v_w, m_v_inf) h_ac = calc_h_ac(A_tot) h_ec = calc_h_ec(Htr_w) h_mc = calc_h_mc(A_m) h_op_m = calc_h_op_m(Htr_op) h_em = calc_h_em(h_op_m, h_mc) f_im = calc_f_im(A_tot, A_m) f_sm = calc_f_sm(A_tot, A_m, A_win) f_sc = calc_f_sc(A_tot, A_m, A_win, h_ec) f_ic = calc_f_ic(A_tot, A_m, h_ec) RCNetwork_1.__init__(self, time, name, T_ext=T_ext, theta_ec=T_ext, theta_em=T_ext, T_int_min=T_int_min, T_int_max=T_int_max, theta_ea=T_ext, theta_c=None, theta_m=None, h_ea=h_ea, h_ac=h_ac, h_ec=h_ec, h_mc=h_mc, h_em=h_em, c_m=C_m, f_im=f_im, f_r_l=f_r_l, f_r_p=f_r_p, f_r_a=f_r_a, f_sa=f_sa, f_sm=f_sm, f_sc=f_sc, f_ic=f_ic, f_hc_cv=f_hc_cv, U_wall=U_wall, U_win=U_win, U_roof=U_roof, e_wall=e_wall, e_win=e_win, e_roof=e_roof, a_wall=a_wall, a_roof=a_roof, A_wall=Aop_sup, A_win=A_win, A_roof=A_roof, owner=owner)
[docs]class ThermalZone(OptObject): def __init__(self, rc_network, phi_i_a, phi_i_l, phi_i_p, I_sol_av, Fsh_win, T_mean, T_dew, sky_cover=1, T_ext=None, hvac_prop=None): OptObject.__init__(self,, 'Thermal zone with power flows') self.time = rc_network.time self.owner = rc_network.owner self.prop = rc_network rc_network.parent = self # ++ Creation of energy flows ++ self.phi_a = Quantity(name='phi_a', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_c = Quantity(name='phi_c', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_m = Quantity(name='phi_m', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_m_tot = Quantity(name='phi_m_tot', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) # Internal gains self.phi_i_l = Quantity(name='phi_i_l', value=phi_i_l, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_i_p = Quantity(name='phi_i_p', value=phi_i_p, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_i_a = Quantity(name='phi_i_a', value=phi_i_a, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) # Solar gains I_sol = calc_I_sol(I_sol_average=I_sol_av, Aop_sup=self.prop.A_DICT['WALL'], Awin=self.prop.A_DICT['WIN'], Aroof=self.prop.A_DICT['ROOF'], a_wall=self.prop.AB_DICT['WALL'], a_roof=self.prop.AB_DICT['ROOF'], U_wall=self.prop.U_DICT['WALL'], U_roof=self.prop.U_DICT['ROOF'], Fsh_win=Fsh_win) self.I_sol = Quantity(name='I_sol', value=I_sol, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self, unit='kW') # Re-irradiated flows self.I_rad = Quantity(name='I_rad', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) # External gains self.phi_s = Quantity(name='phi_s', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) # Heating and cooling self.phi_hc_cv = Quantity(name='phi_hc_cv', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_hc_r = Quantity(name='phi_hc_r', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_hc = Quantity(name='phi_hc', lb=-10e+8, ub=10e+8, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) # Get all coefficients from thermal zone properties f_im = rc_network.F_DICT['F_IM'] f_r_l = rc_network.F_DICT['F_R_L'] f_r_p = rc_network.F_DICT['F_R_P'] f_r_a = rc_network.F_DICT['F_R_A'] f_sa = rc_network.F_DICT['F_SA'] f_sm = rc_network.F_DICT['F_SM'] f_ic = rc_network.F_DICT['F_IC'] f_sc = rc_network.F_DICT['F_SC'] f_hc_cv = rc_network.F_DICT['F_HC_CV'] h_em = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_EM'] h_ea = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_EA'] h_ac = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_AC'] h_ec = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_EC'] h_mc = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_MC'] h_1 = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_1'] h_2 = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_2'] h_3 = rc_network.H_C_DICT['H_3'] c_m = rc_network.H_C_DICT['C_M'] # Get ventilation data from hvac_prop if hvac_prop is not None: m_v_sys = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_MECH'] m_v_w = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_W'] m_v_inf = hvac_prop.vent_param['M_VE_INF'] theta_v_sys = hvac_prop.vent_param['THETA_V_SYS'] else: m_v_sys = 0 m_v_w = 0 m_v_inf = 0 theta_v_sys = None Warning("You didn't enter any HVAC property for the thermal" " zone properties {}.".format( # Set all equations into constraints self.__set_thermal_flows_equations(f_im, f_r_l, f_r_p, f_r_a, f_sa, f_sm, f_ic, f_sc, f_hc_cv, h_em, h_3, h_ec, h_1, h_ea, h_2, T_dew, T_mean, sky_cover) self.__set_temperature_flows_equations(h_ac, h_ea, h_mc, h_ec, h_1, h_3, h_em, c_m, m_v_sys, theta_v_sys, m_v_w, m_v_inf) def __set_thermal_flows_equations(self, f_im, f_r_l, f_r_p, f_r_a, f_sa, f_sm, f_ic, f_sc, f_hc_cv, h_em, h_3, h_ec, h_1, h_ea, h_2, Tdew, Tmean, sky_cover): # Calculation of energy flows self.calc_phi_m_tot = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='calc_phi_m_tot', exp_t='{0}_phi_m_tot[t] == {0}_phi_m[t] ' '+ {h_em} * {0}_theta_em[t] ' '+ ({h_3} * ({0}_phi_c[t] + {h_ec} * {0}_theta_ec[t]' ' + {h_1} * ({0}_phi_a[t] * 1 / {h_ea} ' ' + {0}_theta_ea[t]))) / {h_2}' .format(, h_em=h_em, h_3=h_3, h_ec=h_ec, h_1=h_1, h_ea=h_ea, h_2=h_2)) self.calc_phi_m = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_phi_m', exp_t='{0}_phi_m[t] == ' '{f_im} * (' '{f_r_l} * ' '{0}_phi_i_l[t] + {f_r_p} * ' '{0}_phi_i_p[t] + ' '{f_r_a} * {0}_phi_i_a[t] + ' '{0}_phi_hc_r[t]) ' '+ (1 - {f_sa}) * {f_sm} * ' '{0}_phi_s[t]' .format(, f_im=f_im, f_r_l=f_r_l, f_r_p=f_r_p, f_r_a=f_r_a, f_sa=f_sa, f_sm=f_sm)) self.calc_phi_a = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_phi_a', exp_t='{0}_phi_a[t] == {f_sa} * {' '0}_phi_s[t] + ' '(1 - {f_r_l}) * {' '0}_phi_i_l[t] + (1 - ' '{f_r_p}) * {0}_phi_i_p[t] ' '+(1 - {f_r_a}) * ' '{0}_phi_i_a[t] + {' '0}_phi_hc_cv[t]' .format(, f_sa=f_sa, f_r_l=f_r_l, f_r_p=f_r_p, f_r_a=f_r_a)) self.calc_phi_c = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_phi_c', exp_t='{0}_phi_c[t] == {f_ic} * (' '{f_r_l} * ' '{0}_phi_i_l[t] + {f_r_p} * ' '{0}_phi_i_p[t] + ' '{f_r_a} * {0}_phi_i_a[t] + ' '{0}_phi_hc_r[t]) ' '+ (1 - {f_sa}) * {f_sc} * ' '{0}_phi_s[t]' .format(, f_ic=f_ic, f_r_l=f_r_l, f_r_p=f_r_p, f_r_a=f_r_a, f_sa=f_sa, f_sc=f_sc)) self.calc_phi_s = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_phi_s', exp_t='{0}_phi_s[t] == {0}_I_sol[' 't] - {0}_I_rad[t]'.format( # Linearization of the irradiated heat rate flow to the sky exp_t = write_linerazation_exp(T_dry=self.prop.T_ext.value, T_dew=Tdew, Tlin=Tmean, sky_cover=sky_cover, U_wall=self.prop.U_DICT['WALL'], U_win=self.prop.U_DICT['WIN'], U_roof=self.prop.U_DICT['ROOF'], e_wall=self.prop.E_DICT['WALL'], e_win=self.prop.E_DICT['WIN'], e_roof=self.prop.E_DICT['ROOF'], A_wall=self.prop.A_DICT['WALL'], A_win=self.prop.A_DICT['WIN'], A_roof=self.prop.A_DICT['ROOF'], self.calc_I_rad = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_I_rad', t_range='for t in time.I[72:]', exp_t=exp_t) self.calc_phi_hc_cv = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='calc_phi_hc_cv', t_range='for t in time.I', exp_t='{0}_phi_hc_cv[t] == {' 'f_hc_cv} * ' '{0}_phi_hc[t]'.format(, f_hc_cv=f_hc_cv)) self.calc_phi_hc_r = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_phi_hc_r', t_range='for t in time.I', exp_t='{0}_phi_hc_r[t] == (1 ' '-{f_hc_cv}) * ' '{0}_phi_hc[t]'.format(, f_hc_cv=f_hc_cv)) def __set_temperature_flows_equations(self, h_ac, h_ea, h_mc, h_ec, h_1, h_3, h_em, c_m, m_v_sys, theta_v_sys, m_v_w, m_v_inf): # Calculation of nodes' temperatures self.calc_T_int = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_T_int', t_range='for t in time.I[72:]', exp_t='{0}_T_int[t] == ' '({h_ac} * ' '{0}_theta_c[t] + ' '{h_ea} * {0}_theta_ea[t] + ' '{0}_phi_a[t]) ' '/ ({h_ac} + {h_ea})' .format(, h_ac=h_ac, h_ea=h_ea)) self.calc_theta_c = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_theta_c', t_range='for t in time.I[72:]', exp_t='{0}_theta_c[t] == ({' 'h_mc} * ' '({0}_theta_m[t] + {' '0}_theta_m[t-1])/2 + ' '{h_ec} * {0}_theta_ec[t] ' '+ {0}_phi_c[t] +' ' {h_1} * (1/{h_ea} * {' '0}_phi_a[t] + ' '{0}_theta_ea[t])) / ({' 'h_mc} + {h_ec} + ' '{h_1})' .format(, h_mc=h_mc, h_ec=h_ec, h_1=h_1, h_ea=h_ea)) self.calc_theta_m = DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_theta_m', t_range='for t in time.I[72:]', exp_t='{0}_theta_m[' 't] == ({' '0}_theta_m[t-1] * ' '({c_m} - 0.5 * ({h_3} + ' '{h_em})) + ' '{0}_phi_m_tot[t]) / ({' 'c_m} + 0.5 * ' '({h_3} + {h_em}))' .format(, c_m=c_m, h_em=h_em, h_3=h_3)) self.calc_theta_m_0 = DefinitionConstraint(name='calc_theta_m_0', exp='{0}_theta_m[0] == {0}_T_ext[0]' .format(, parent=self) # Time for dynamics to appear # self.calc_operative_temp = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( # t_range='for t in time.I[144:]', # name='calc_operative_temp', exp_t='2 * {0}_T_op[t] == ' # '{0}_theta_m[t] + {0}_T_int[t]' # .format(, parent=self) self.calc_operative_temp = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( t_range='for t in time.I[144:]', name='calc_operative_temp', exp_t='100 * {0}_T_op[t] == 31 * {0}_T_int[t] + 69 * {' '0}_theta_c[t]' .format(, parent=self) if m_v_sys != 0 and theta_v_sys is not None: # Intermediary temperature to calculate theta_ea in case of # mechanical ventilation self.theta_v_sys = Quantity(name='theta_v_sys', value=theta_v_sys, lb=0, ub=50, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.calc_theta_ea = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='calc_theta_ea', t_range='for t in time.I[72:]', exp_t='{0}_theta_ea[t] == ({m_v_sys} * {0}_theta_v_sys[t] ' '+ ({m_v_w} + {m_v_inf}) * {0}_T_ext[t]) ' '* 1 / ({m_v_sys} + {m_v_w} + {m_v_inf})' .format(, m_v_sys=m_v_sys, m_v_w=m_v_w, m_v_inf=m_v_inf)) else: # If no mechanical ventilation, theta_ea equals the external # temperature self.calc_theta_ea = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='calc_theta_ea', t_range='for t in time.I', exp_t='{0}_theta_ea[t] == ' '{0}_T_ext[t]' .format(
[docs] def split_heating_and_cooling(self, p_max_heating=10e+12, p_max_cooling=10e+12): self.phi_heating = Quantity(name='phi_heating', lb=0, ub=p_max_heating, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.phi_cooling = Quantity(name='phi_cooling', lb=0, ub=p_max_cooling, vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpContinuous, parent=self) self.heating_on = Quantity(name='heating_on', vlen=self.time.LEN, vtype=LpBinary, parent=self) self.split_heat_cool = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_phi_hc[t] == {0}_phi_heating[t] - {0}_phi_cooling[t]' .format(, t_range='for t in time.I', name='split_heat_cool', parent=self) self.heating_only = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_phi_heating[t] <= {0}_heating_on[t] * {p_max_h}' .format(, p_max_h=p_max_heating), name='heating_only') self.cooling_only = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_phi_cooling[t] <= (1 - {0}_heating_on[t]) * {p_max_c}' .format(, p_max_c=p_max_cooling), name='cooling_only')
[docs]class HeatingLoad(VariableConsumptionUnit): """ """ def __init__(self, time, name, tz, p_max=10e+12, T_set=19, temp_margin=1, no_cooling=True): = tz self.T_set = T_set self.temp_margin = temp_margin tz.parent = self if not isinstance(tz, ThermalZone): raise TypeError("tz should be a ThermalZone !") print('Redefining minimal and maximal air temperatures for ' 'thermal zone {0}'.format( = T_set - temp_margin = T_set + temp_margin if no_cooling: p_max_cooling = 1e5 else: p_max_cooling = 1e9, # p_max p_max_cooling=p_max_cooling) # kW VariableConsumptionUnit.__init__(self, time, name, energy_type='Heat', operator=tz.owner, pmax=p_max, e_max=10e9) self.calc_e_tot = None self.e_tot = None self.def_heat_cons = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_p[t] * 1000 == {1}_phi_heating[t]' # kW / 1000 .format(,, name='def_heat_cons', t_range='for t in time.I[144:]', parent=self)
[docs] def maximize_thermal_comfort(self, T_op=None, weight=1): """ :param T_op: Operative temperature wished for the maximal thermal comfort :param weight: Weight of the objective """ if T_op is None: T_op = self.T_set self.diff_Top_opt = Quantity(name='diff_Top_opt', opt=True, lb=-self.temp_margin, ub=self.temp_margin, vlen=self.time.LEN, parent=self) if isinstance(T_op, (int, float)): self.def_diff_Top_opt = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='def_diff_Top_opt', exp_t='{0}_diff_Top_opt[t] == {1}_T_op[t] - {2}'.format(,, T_op), parent=self) elif isinstance(T_op, list): self.def_diff_Top_opt = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( name='def_diff_Top_opt', exp_t='{0}_diff_Top_opt[t] == {1}_T_op[t] - {1}[t]'.format(,, T_op), parent=self) diff = def_abs_value(self.diff_Top_opt, q_max=self.temp_margin, q_min=-self.temp_margin) self.max_th_comfort = Objective(name='max_th_comfort', exp='lpSum({0}_{1}[t] for t in ' 'time.I[72:])'.format(,, parent=self)
[docs]def calc_Am(Cm_Af, Af): # Am: Effective mass area in [m2] Am = lookup_effective_mass_area_factor(Cm_Af) * Af return Am
[docs]def calc_Aop_bel(height_bg, perimeter, footprint): # Aop_bel: Opaque areas below ground (including ground floor, # excluding voids and windows) [m2] Aop_bel = height_bg * perimeter + footprint return Aop_bel
[docs]def calc_Aop_sup(Awall_all, void, window_to_wall_ratio): # Aop_sup: Opaque wall areas above ground (excluding voids # and windows) [m2] Aop_sup = Awall_all * (1 - void) * (1 - window_to_wall_ratio) return Aop_sup
[docs]def calc_cm(Cm_Af, Af): # Cm: internal heat capacity in [J/k] Cm = Cm_Af * Af return Cm
[docs]def calc_Hg(Aop_bel, U_base): # Hg: steady-state thermal transmission coefficient to the ground # in [W/K] Hg = 0.7 * Aop_bel * U_base return Hg
[docs]def calc_Hd(Aop_sup, U_wall, footprint, U_roof): # HD: direct thermal transmission coefficient to the # external environment in [W/K]) Hd = Aop_sup * U_wall + footprint * U_roof return Hd
[docs]def calc_Htr_op(Aop_bel, Aop_sup, footprint, U_base, U_wall, U_roof): Hg = calc_Hg(Aop_bel=Aop_bel, U_base=U_base) Hd = calc_Hd(Aop_sup=Aop_sup, U_wall=U_wall, footprint=footprint, U_roof=U_roof) Htr_op = Hg + Hd return Htr_op
[docs]def get_Cm_Af(construction): """ Description code Cm_Af Light construction T1 110000 Medium construction T2 165000 Heavy construction T3 300000 .. Copyright 2015, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich """ if construction == 'light': cm_af = 110000 elif construction == 'medium': cm_af = 165000 elif construction == 'heavy': cm_af = 300000 else: raise ValueError('The construction should be "light", "medium" or ' '"heavy", but equals {}'.format(construction)) return cm_af
[docs]def lookup_effective_mass_area_factor(cm): """ Look up the factor to multiply the conditioned floor area by to get the effective mass area by building construction type. This is used for the calculation of the effective mass area "Am" in `get_prop_RC_model`. Standard values can be found in the Annex G of ISO EN13790 :param: cm: The internal heat capacity per unit of area [J/m2]. :return: Effective mass area factor (0, 2.5 or 3.2 depending on cm value). .. Copyright 2015, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich """ if cm == 0: return 0 elif 0 < cm <= 165000.0: return 2.5 else: return 3.2
[docs]def calc_I_sol(I_sol_average, Aop_sup, Aroof, Awin, a_wall, a_roof, U_wall, U_roof, Fsh_win): """ :param I_sol_average: W/m2 :param Aop_sup: Opaque wall areas above ground (excluding voids and windows) [m2] :param Aroof: Roof area [m2] :param Awin: Windows area [m2] :param a_wall: Absorption coefficient of the walls [0..1] :param a_roof: Absorption coefficeint of the roof [0..1] :param U_wall: :param U_roof: :param Fsh_win: Shading factor for windows :return: I_sol [kW] """ from cea.demand.constants import RSE, F_F Asol_wall = Aop_sup * a_wall * RSE * U_wall Asol_roof = Aroof * a_roof * RSE * U_roof if isinstance(I_sol_average, list): if isinstance(Fsh_win, list): Asol_win = [Fsh_w * Awin * (1 - F_F) for Fsh_w in Fsh_win] I_sol = [I_sol_av * (Asol_wall + Asol_roof + Asol_w) for I_sol_av, Asol_w in zip(I_sol_average, Asol_win)] elif isinstance(Fsh_win, (int, float)): Asol_win = Fsh_win * Awin * (1 - F_F) I_sol = [I_sol_av * (Asol_wall + Asol_roof + Asol_win) for I_sol_av in I_sol_average] else: raise TypeError('Fsh_win should be an int, a float or a list.') elif isinstance(I_sol_average, (int, float)): if isinstance(Fsh_win, list): Asol_win = [Fsh_w * Awin * (1 - F_F) for Fsh_w in Fsh_win] I_sol = [I_sol_average * (Asol_wall + Asol_roof + Asol_w) for Asol_w in Asol_win] elif isinstance(Fsh_win, (int, float)): Asol_win = [Fsh_win * Awin * (1 - F_F)] I_sol = I_sol_average * (Asol_wall + Asol_roof + Asol_win) else: raise TypeError('Fsh_win should be an int, a float or a list.') else: raise TypeError('I_sol_average should be an int, a float or a list.') return I_sol
[docs]def calc_T_sky(T_dry, T_dew, sky_cover=1): """ :param T_dry: Dry bulb temperature in Celsius :param T_dew: Dew point temperature in Celsius :param sky_cover: Sky cover """ sky_T = np.vectorize(calc_skytemp)(T_dry, T_dew, 1) return sky_T # sky temperature in C
[docs]def calc_I_rad_linearization_coef(Tdry, Tdew, Tlin, sky_cover=1): """ :param T_dry: Dry bulb temperature in Celsius :param T_dew: Dew point temperature in Celsius :param sky_cover: :return: list(A), list(B): """ temp_df = pd.DataFrame() temp_df['T_sky (C)'] = calc_T_sky(T_dry=Tdry, T_dew=Tdew, sky_cover=sky_cover) temp_df['T_sky (K)'] = temp_df['T_sky (C)'] + 273 temp_df['T_lin (C)'] = Tlin temp_df['T_lin (K)'] = temp_df['T_lin (C)'] + 273 A = 3 * temp_df['T_lin (K)'] ** 4 + temp_df['T_sky (K)'] ** 4 + 4 * \ temp_df['T_sky (K)'] * temp_df['T_lin (K)'] ** 3 B = - 4 * temp_df['T_lin (K)'] ** 3 - 6 * temp_df['T_sky (K)'] * temp_df[ 'T_lin (K)'] ** 2 + 2 * temp_df['T_sky (K)'] ** 3 return list(A), list(B)
[docs]def write_linerazation_exp(T_dry, T_dew, sky_cover, Tlin, U_win, U_wall, U_roof, e_win, e_wall, e_roof, A_win, A_wall, A_roof, name): A, B = calc_I_rad_linearization_coef(Tdry=T_dry, Tdew=T_dew, Tlin=Tlin, sky_cover=sky_cover) alpha = RSE * BOLTZMANN / 2 win_coef = 0.5 * U_win * A_win * e_win wall_coef = 0.5 * U_wall * A_wall * e_wall roof_coef = U_roof * A_roof * e_roof coef_tot = alpha * (win_coef + wall_coef + roof_coef) A = [a * coef_tot for a in A] B = [b * coef_tot for b in B] exp_t = '{A}[t] + {B}[t] * ({0}_theta_c[t-1] + 273)'.format(name, A=A, B=B) exp_tot = '{0}_I_rad[t] == '.format(name) + exp_t return exp_tot
[docs]def calc_skytemp(Tdrybulb, Tdewpoint, N=1): """ Copyright 2014, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich :param Tdrybulb: Drybuld temperature [°C] :param Tdewpoint: Dewpoint temperature [°C] :param N: Sky cover :return: Sky temperature in °C """ import math sky_e = (0.787 + 0.764 * math.log((Tdewpoint + 273) / 273)) * 1 \ + 0.0224 * N + 0.0035 * N ** 2 + 0.00025 * N ** 3 hor_IR = sky_e * BOLTZMANN * (Tdrybulb + 273) ** 4 sky_T = ((hor_IR / BOLTZMANN) ** 0.25) - 273 return sky_T # sky temperature in C