general package

Please, have a look to the following general modules

Firstly, the main modules to build an energy optimisation model are presented :

Elements module

This module includes the optimization elements (quantities, constraints and objectives) formulated in LP or MILP

  • Quantity : related to the decision variable or parameter
  • Constraint : related to the optimization problem constraints
  • Objective : related to the objective function
class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.Constraint(exp, name='CST0', description='', active=True, parent=None)[source]

Bases: object


Class that defines a constraint object


  • name: name of the constraint
  • description: a description of the constraint
  • active: False = non-active constraint; True = active constraint
  • exp: (str) : expression of the constraint
  • parent: (unit) : this constraint belongs to this unit


Make sure that all the modifications on Constraints are made before adding the unit to the Model (OptimisationModel.addUnit()).

class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.DynamicConstraint(exp_t, t_range='for t in time.I', name='DCST0', description='dynamic constraint', active=True, parent=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.Constraint


Defining a constraint depending on the time. NB : Mandatory for PuLP
class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.ExtDynConstraint(exp_t, t_range='for t in time.I', name='EDCST0', active=True, description='Non-physical and dynamic constraint', parent=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.DynamicConstraint, omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.ExternalConstraint


Defining a constraint both external and dynamic (see: DynamicConstraint, ExternalConstraint)
class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.ExternalConstraint(exp, name='ExCST0', description='', active=True, parent=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.Constraint


Defining a special type of constraint: the external constraint

  • This constraint does not translate a physical constraint
  • This constraint defines an external constraint, which could be relaxed

An external constraint can be deactivated : - To compare scenarios - To try a less constrained problem

class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.HourlyDynamicConstraint(exp_t, time, init_h: int = 0, final_h: int = 24, name='HDCST0', description='hourly dynamic constraint', active=True, parent=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.DynamicConstraint


Class that defines an dynamic contraint for a time range

Ex: Constraint applying between 7am and 10pm

ex_cst = HourlyDynamicConstraint(exp_t, time, init_h=7, final_h=22, name=’ex_cst’)


  • name (str) : name of the constraint
  • exp_t (str) : expression of the constraint
  • init_h (int) : hour of beginning of the constraint [0-23]
  • final_h (int) : hour of end of the constraint [1-24]
  • description (str) : description of the constraint
  • active (bool) : defines if the constraint is active or not
  • parent (OptObject) : parent of the constraint
class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.Objective(exp, name='OBJ0', description='', active=True, weight=1, unit='s.u.', parent=None)[source]

Bases: object


Class that defines an optimisation objective


  • name (str) :
  • description (str) :
  • active (bool) :
  • exp (str) :
  • weight (float) : weighted factor of the objective
  • parent (unit)
  • unit (str) : unit of the cost expression


Make sure that all the modifications on Objectives are made before adding the unit to the OptimisationModel, otherwise, it won’t be taken into account

class omegalpes.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity(name='var0', opt=True, unit='s.u', vlen=None, value=None, description='', vtype='Continuous', lb=None, ub=None, parent=None)[source]

Bases: object


Class that defines what is a quantity. A quantity can wether be a decision variable or a parameter, depending on the opt parameter


  • name (str) : the name of the quantity

  • description (str) : a description of the meaning of the quantity

  • vtype (PuLP) : the variable type, depending on PuLP

    • LpBinary (binary variable)
    • LpInteger (integer variable)
    • LpContinuous (continuous variable)
  • vlen (int) : size of the variable

  • unit (str) : unit of the quantity

  • opt (binary)

    • True: this is an optimization variable
    • False: this is a constant - a parameter
  • value (float, list, dict) : value (unused if opt=True)

  • ub, lb : upper and lower bounds

  • parent (OptObject) : the quantity belongs to this unit


Make sure that all the modifications on Quantity are made before adding the unit to the Model

Core module

This module define the main Core object on which the energy units and actors will be based

class omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject(name='U0', description='Optimization object', verbose=True)[source]

Bases: object


OptObject class is used as an “abstract class”, i.e. it defines some general attributes and methods but doesn’t contain variable, constraint nor objective. In the OMEGAlpes package, all the subsystem models are represented by a unit. A model is then generated adding OptObject to it. Variable, objective and constraints declarations are usually done using the __init__ method of the OptObject class.


  • name
  • description
  • _quantities_list : list of the quanitities of the OptObject (active or not)
  • _constraints_list : list of the constraints of the OptObject(active or not)
  • _external_constraints_list : list of the constraints of the OptObject (active or not)
  • _objectives_list : list of the objectives of the OptObject (active or not)


  • __str__: defines the
  • __repr__: defines the unit with its name
  • get_constraints_list
  • get_constraints_name_list
  • get_external_constraints_list
  • get_external_constraints_name_list
  • get_objectives_list
  • get_objectives_name_list
  • get_quantities_list
  • get_quantities_name_list
  • deactivate_optobject_external_constraints


The OptObject class shouldn’t be instantiated in a python script, except if you want to create your own model from the beginning. In this case, one should consider creating a new class NewModel(OptObject).


Enable to remove an external constraint linked with an OptObject

Parameters:ext_cst_name_list – list of external constraint that would be removed

Get the constraints associated with the unit as a dictionary shape [‘constraint_name’ , constraint]


Get the names of the constraints associated with the unit


Get the external constraints associated with the unit as a dictionary shape [‘constraint_name’ , constraint]


Get the names of the external constraints associated with the unit


Get objectives associated with the unit as a dictionary shape [‘objective_name’ , objective]


Get the names of the objectives associated with the unit


Get the quantities associated with the unit as a dictionary shape [‘quantity_name’ , quantity]


Get the names of the quantities associated with the unit

Time module

This module creates the Time object

class omegalpes.general.time.TimeUnit(start='01/01/2018', end=None, periods=None, dt=1)[source]

Bases: object


Class defining the studied time period.


  • DATES : dated list of simulation steps
  • DT : delta t between values in hours (int or float), i.e. 1/6 will be 10 minutes.
  • LEN : number of simulation steps (length of DATES)
  • I : index of time ([0 : LEN])

Getting a date for a given index

Parameters:index – int value for the index of the wanted dated, between 0 and LEN (it must be in the studied period)

Getting days for the studied period

Return all_days:
 list of days of the studied period
get_index_for_date(date='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS')[source]

Getting the index associated with a date

Parameters:date – date the index of is wanted. Format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, must be within the studied period and consistent with the timestep value
get_index_for_date_range(starting_date='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', end=None, periods=None)[source]

Getting a list of index for a date range

  • starting_date – starting date of the wanted index
  • end – ending date of the wanted index
  • periods – number of periods from the starting_date of the wanted index
Return index_list:

list of indexes for the given dates

get_non_working_dates(month_range=range(0, 12), hour_range=range(0, 24), country='France')[source]
get_working_dates(month_range=range(0, 12), hour_range=range(0, 24), country='France')[source]
Converting a date with an european format DD/MM/YYYY into a datetime format YYYY-MM-DD or return
Parameters:date – date in european format
Returns:date in format datetime

Model module

This module enables to fill the optimization model and formulate it in LP or MILP based on the package PuLP (LpProblem)

class omegalpes.general.optimisation.model.OptimisationModel(time, name='optimisation_model')[source]

Bases: pulp.pulp.LpProblem


This class includes the optimization model formulated in LP or MILP based on the package PuLP (LpProblem)

Add nodes and all connected units to the model Check that the time is the same for the model and all the units

Parameters:nodes – EnergyNode

Add nodes, actors and all connected units to the model Check that the time is the same for the model and all the units

Parameters:nodes_or_actors – EnergyNode or Actor type

Gets constraints of the model


Gets the names of the constraints of the model


Gets objectives of the model


Gets the names of the objectives of the model


Gets quantities of the model


Gets the names of the quantities of the model

solve_and_update(solver: pulp.solvers.LpSolver = None) → None[source]

Solves the optimization model and updates all variables values.

Parameters:solver (LpSolver) – Optimization solver

Updates all units values with optimization results


Checks if the unit has an associated parent

Parameters:unit – unit which parents will be checked
omegalpes.general.optimisation.model.compute_gurobi_IIS(gurobi_exe_path='C:\\gurobi800\\win64\\bin', opt_model=None, MPS_model=None)[source]

Identifies the constraints in a .ilp file

  • gurobi_exe_path – Path to the gurobi solver “gurobi_cl.exe”
  • opt_model – OptimisationModel to whom compute IIS
  • MPS_model – name of the mps model

Then, utils methods are developped and are presented in the following module:

Input Data module

This module includes the following utils for input data management

It contains the following methods:
  • select_csv_file_between_dates() : select data in a .csv file between two dates
  • read_enedis_data_csv_file() : select and rearrange the data in a .csv file of Enedis (the French Distribion System Operator company), possibly between two dates
omegalpes.general.utils.input_data.read_enedis_data_csv_file(file_path=None, start=None, end=None)[source]

Rearrange the Enedis data in cvs file in oder to have a Dataframe of the following form

DD MM YYYY HH:00 ; a DD MM YYYY HH:30 ; b …

  • file_path – path of the file to rearrange
  • start – DD MM YYYY HH:00 : first date which should be considered
  • end – DD MM YYYY HH:00 : last date which should be considered

df_list: the data as a list

omegalpes.general.utils.input_data.select_csv_file_between_dates(file_path=None, start='DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM', end='DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM', v_cols=[], sep=';')[source]

Select data in a .csv file between two dates

  • file_path – path of the file to rearrange
  • start – DD MM YYYY HH:00 : first date which should be considered
  • end – DD MM YYYY HH:00 : last date which should be considered
  • v_cols – columns which should be considered

df: a dataframe considering the dates

Output Data module

This module includes the following utils for output data management

It contains the following methods:
  • save_energy_flows() : Save the optimisation results in a .csv file
omegalpes.general.utils.output_data.save_energy_flows(*nodes, file_name=None, sep='\t', decimal_sep='.')[source]

Save the optimisation results in a .csv file

  • nodes – list of the nodes from which should be collected the data
  • file_name – name of the file to save the data
  • sep – separator for the data
  • decimal_sep – separator dor the decimals of the data

Plots module

This module includes the following display utils:

  • plot_node_energetic_flows() : enables one to plot the energy flows through an EnergyNode
  • plot_energy_mix() : enables one to plot the energy flows connected to a node
  • plot_quantity() : enables one to plot easily a Quantitiy
  • plot_quantity_bar() : enables one to plot easily a Quantitiy as a bar
  • sum_quantities_in_quantity() : enables one to to plot several quantities in one once the optimisation is done


This function allows to plot the energy flows through an EnergyNode

The display is realized :

  • with histograms for production and storage flow
  • with dashed curve for consumption flow
Parameters:node – EnergyNode
omegalpes.general.utils.plots.plot_quantity(time, quantity, fig=None, ax=None, color=None, label=None)[source]


Function that plots a OMEGALPES.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity


  • quantity is the OMEGALPES.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity
  • fig could be None, a matplotlib.pyplot.Figure or Axes for multiple plots


  • arg1 the matplotlib.pyplot.Figure handle object
  • arg2 the matplotlib.pyplot.Axes handle object
  • arg3 the matplotlib.pyplot.Line2D handle object
omegalpes.general.utils.plots.plot_quantity_bar(time, quantity, fig=None, ax=None, color=None, label=None)[source]


Function that plots a OMEGALPES.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity as a bar


  • quantity is the OMEGALPES.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity
  • fig could be None, a matplotlib.pyplot.Figure or Axes for multiple plots


  • arg1 the matplotlib.pyplot.Figure handle object
  • arg2 the matplotlib.pyplot.Axes handle object
  • arg3 the matplotlib.pyplot.Line2D handle object
omegalpes.general.utils.plots.sum_quantities_in_quantity(quantities_list=[], tot_quantity_name='sum_quantity')[source]


Function that creates a new quantity gathering several values of quantities Should be used in order to plot several quantities in one once the optimisation is done


  • quantities : a list of Quantities (OMEGALPES.general.optimisation.elements.Quantity)
  • tot_quantity_name : string : name of the new quantity


  • tot_quantity : the new quantity created and filled

Maths module

This module includes the following maths utils

It contains the following methods:
  • def_abs_value() : Define easily absolute value for quantity
omegalpes.general.utils.maths.def_abs_value(quantity, q_min, q_max)[source]
  • quantity – Quantity whose absolute value is wanted
  • q_min – Minimal value of the quantity (negative value)
  • q_max – Maximal value of the quantity (positive value)

A new Quantity whose values equal absolute values of the initial Quantity