energy package

The energy package gathers the energy units, poles and nodes modules:

The energy units inherit from the EnergyUnit object which itself inherit from the Unit object.

Energy_units module

This module defines the energy units of OMEGAlpes. The production, consumption and storage unit will inherit from it.

The energy_units module defines the basic attributes and methods of an energy unit in OMEGAlpes.

The class EnergyUnit includes the following attributes and quantities:
  • time: instance of TimeUnit describing the studied time period.
  • energy_type: energy type of the energy unit (see energy.energy_types)
  • p: instantaneous power of the energy unit (kW)
  • e_tot: total energy either consumed or produced by the energy unit on

the studied time period during the time period (kWh) - u: binary describing if the unit is operating (1) or not (0) at t (i.e. delivering or consuming power) - poles: energy poles of the energy unit (see

EnergyUnit parameters can be used to add energy constraints or new attributes calculation to the energy unit, such as e_max or starting_cost.

This module also includes the classes: - FixedEnergyUnit: energy unit with a fixed power profile

  • VariableEnergyUnit: energy unit with a variable power profile
  • SquareEnergyUnit: energy unit with a defined square power profile,

inheriting from VariableEnergyUnit.

  • ShiftableEnergyUnit: energy unit with a power profile that can be time

shifted, inheriting from VariableEnergyUnit.

  • TriangleEnergyUnit: energy unit with a defined triangular power profile,

inheriting from VariableEnergyUnit.

  • SawtoothEnergyUnit: energy unit with a defined sawtooth power profile,

inheriting from VariableEnergyUnit.

  • SeveralEnergyUnit: Energy unit based on a fixed power curve enabling to
multiply several times (nb_unit) the same power curve.
  • AssemblyUnit: an assembly unit has at least a production unit and a

consumption unit and is using one or several energy types. It can also integrate reversible energy units. It inherits from OptObject and it is the parent class of ConversionUnit and ReversibleUnit.

class, name, prod_units=None, cons_units=None, rev_units=None, verbose=True)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject


Simple Assembly unit: assembly units has at least a production unit and a consumption unit and is using one or several energy types. It can also integrate reversible energy units. It inherits from OptObject and it is the parent class of ConversionUnit and ReversibleUnit.


  • time: TimeUnit describing the studied time period
  • prod_units: list of the production units in the assembly unit.
  • cons_units: list of the consumption units in the assembly unit.
  • rev_units: list of the reversible units in the assembly unit.
  • poles: dictionary of the poles of the assembly unit
minimize_exergy_destruction(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

This is the main objective of any exergetic optimization.

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
class, name, flow_direction='in', p=None, p_min=-10000.0, p_max=10000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, co2_out=None, availability_hours=None, energy_type=None, no_warn=True, verbose=True)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject


Module dedicated to the parent class (EnergyUnit) of :

  • production units
  • consumption units
  • storage units
add_energy_limits_on_time_period(e_min=0, e_max=None, start='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', end='YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', period_index=None)[source]

Add an energy limit during a defined time period

  • e_min – Minimal energy set during the time period (int or float)
  • e_max – Maximal energy set during the time period (int or float)
  • start – Date of start of the time period YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS ( str)
  • end – Date of end of the time period YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (str)
add_operating_time_range(operating_time_range: [[<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>]])[source]

Add a range of hours during which the energy unit can be operated. The final time should be greater than the initial time within a time range, except when the final time is ‘00:00’.

example: add_operating_time_range([[‘10:00’, ‘12:00’], [‘14:00’, ‘17:00’]])

Parameters:operating_time_range – list of lists of strings in the format

HH:MM [[first hour operating: str, hour to stop (not operating): str], [second hour operating: str, hour to stop (not operating): str], etc]

NB: the previous version of add_operating_time_range (deprecated since version 0.3.1) had integers instead of str hours as parameters, do not forget to update it if needed !

minimize_co2_emissions(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the co2 emissions of the energy unit

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_costs(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the costs (starting and operating costs)

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_energy(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the energy of the energy unit

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_exergy(energy_unit=None, weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Alternate objective of exergy optimization that may be interesting in some cases.

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_exergy_destruction(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

This is the main objective of any exergetic optimization.

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_operating_cost(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the operating costs

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_starting_cost(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the starting costs

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_time_of_use(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective to minimize the time of running of the energy unit

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
set_operating_time_range(operating_time_range: [[<class 'str'>, <class 'str'>]])[source]

DEPRECATED: the name of the function changed to add_operating_time_range for code consistency, please use this function !

Add a range of hours during which the energy unit can be operated. The final time should be greater than the initial time within a time range, except when the final time is ‘00:00’.

example: set_operating_time_range([[‘10:00’, ‘12:00’], [‘14:00’, ‘17:00’]])

Parameters:operating_time_range – list of lists of strings in the format

HH:MM [[first hour operating: str, hour to stop (not operating): str], [second hour operating: str, hour to stop (not operating): str], etc]

class, name: str, p: list, flow_direction='in', starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, co2_out=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]



Energy unit with a fixed power profile.


  • p : instantaneous power known by advance (kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
class, name, flow_direction, p_peak, p_low, alpha_peak, t_triangle, t_sawtooth, mandatory=True, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, co2_out=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]


class, name, fixed_power, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, imaginary=False, e_min=None, e_max=None, nb_unit_min=0, nb_unit_max=None, flow_direction='in', starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, co2_out=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Energy unit based on a fixed power curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same power curve.

Be careful, if imaginary == True, the solution may be imaginary as nb_unit can be continuous. The accurate number of the power unit should be calculated later


  • fixed_power : fixed power curve
class, name: str, flow_direction, power_values: list, mandatory=True, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]



EnergyUnit with shiftable power profile.


  • power_values : power profile to shift (kW)
  • mandatory : indicates if the power is mandatory (True) or not (False)
  • starting_cost : cost of the starting of the EnergyUnit
  • operating_cost : cost of the operation (€/kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
class, name, p_square, n_square, t_between_sq, t_square=1, flow_direction='in', starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, co2_out=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]


class, name, flow_direction, p_peak, alpha_peak, t_triangle: list, mandatory=True, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, co2_out=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]


class, name, flow_direction='in', p_min=-10000.0, p_max=10000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, co2_out=None, availability_hours=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]


Consumption_units module

This module defines the consumption units

The consumption_units module defines various classes of consumption units, from generic to specific ones.

It includes :
  • ConsumptionUnit : simple consumption unit. It inherits from EnergyUnit, its power flow direction is always ‘in’.

    3 Objectives are also available :

    • minimize consumption,
    • maximize consumption,
    • minimize consumption costs.
  • FixedConsumptionUnit : consumption with a fixed load profile. It inherits from ConsumptionUnit.

  • VariableConsumptionUnit : consumption unit allowing for a variation of power between p_min et p_max. It inherits from ConsumptionUnit.

And also :
  • SeveralConsumptionUnit: Consumption unit based on a fixed consumption curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same consumption profile
  • SeveralImaginaryConsumptionUnit: Consumption unit based on a fixed consumption curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same consumption profile. Be careful, the solution may be imaginary as nb_unit can be continuous. The accurate number of the Consumption units should be calculated later
  • SquareConsumptionUnit: Consumption unit with a fixed value and fixed duration.
  • ShiftableConsumptionUnit: Consumption unit with shiftable consumption profile.
class, name, p=None, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, consumption_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, availability_hours=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]



Simple Consumption unit. The parameters and attributes are described in EnergyUnit parent class. Here, consumption_cost is the cost associated to the energy consumption of the unit (€/kWh).
maximize_consumption(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_consumption(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_consumption_cost(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
class, name, p: list = None, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]



Consumption unit with a fixed consumption profile.


  • p : instantaneous power demand known in advance (kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
  • consumption_cost : cost associated to the energy consumption
class, name, fixed_cons, imaginary=False, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, nb_unit_min=0, nb_unit_max=None, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Consumption unit based on a fixed consumption curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same consumption curve.


  • fixed_cons : fixed consumption curve
class, name: str, power_values, mandatory=True, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True)[source]



Consumption unit with shiftable consumption profile.


  • power_values : consumption profile to shift (kW)
  • mandatory : indicates if the consumption is mandatory (True) or not

(False) * starting_cost : cost of the starting of the consumption * operating_cost : cost of the operation (€/kW) * energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)

class, name, p_square, duration, n_square, t_between_sq, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=False)[source]



Consumption unit with a fixed value and fixed duration.
Only the time of beginning can be modified
Operation can be mandatory or not


  • p : instantaneous power consumption (kW)
  • duration : duration of the power delivery (hours)
  • mandatory : indicates if the power delivery is mandatory or not
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
  • consumption_cost : cost associated to the energy consumption
class, name, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, co2_out=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, energy_type=None, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Consumption unit with a variation of power between p_min et p_max.


  • p_max : maximal instantaneous power consumption (kW)
  • p_min : minimal instantaneous power consumption (kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)

Production_units module

This module defines the production units

The production_units module defines various kinds of production units with associated attributes and methods.

It includes :
  • ProductionUnit : simple production unit inheriting from EnergyUnit and with an outer flow direction. The outside co2 emissions, the starting cost, the operating cost, the minimal operating time, the minimal non-operating time, the maximal increasing ramp and the maximal decreasing ramp can be filled.

    Objectives are also available :

    • minimize starting cost, operating cost, total cost
    • minimize production, co2_emissions, time of use
    • maximize production
  • FixedProductionUnit : Production unit with a fixed production profile.

  • VariableProductionUnit : Production unit with a variation of power between p_min et p_max.

And also :
  • SeveralProductionUnit: Production unit based on a fixed production curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same production curve
  • SeveralImaginaryProductionUnit: Production unit based on a fixed production curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same production curve. Be careful, the solution may be imaginary as nb_unit can be continuous. The accurate number of the production unit should be calculated later
  • SquareProductionUnit: Production unit with a fixed value and fixed duration.
  • ShiftableProductionUnit: Production unit with shiftable production profile.
class, name: str, p: list = None, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True)[source]



Production unit with a fixed production profile.


  • p : instantaneous power production known by advance (kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
class, name, p=None, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, availability_hours=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Simple Production unit. The parameters and attributes are described in EnergyUnit parent class.
maximize_production(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_production(weight=1, pareto=False)[source]
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pareto – if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on this objective (two objectives needed)
class, name, fixed_prod, imaginary=False, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, nb_unit_min=0, nb_unit_max=None, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Production unit based on a fixed production curve enabling to multiply several times (nb_unit) the same production curve. nb_unit is an integer variable.


  • fixed_prod : fixed production curve
class, name: str, power_values, mandatory=True, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True)[source]



Production unit with shiftable production profile.


  • power_values : production profile to shift (kW)
  • mandatory : indicates if the production is mandatory : True or not : False
  • starting_cost : cost of the starting of the production
  • operating_cost : cost of the operation (€/kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
class, name, p_square, duration, n_square, t_between_sq, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Production unit with a fixed value and fixed duration.
Only the time of beginning can be modified.
Operation can be mandatory or not.


  • p : instantaneous power production (kW)
  • duration : duration of the power delivery (hours)
  • mandatory : indicates if the power delivery is mandatory or not
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)
class, name, p_min=1e-05, p_max=100000.0, e_min=None, e_max=None, co2_out=None, particle_emission=None, starting_cost=None, operating_cost=None, min_time_on=None, min_time_off=None, max_ramp_up=None, max_ramp_down=None, energy_type=None, rr_energy=False, verbose=True, no_warn=True)[source]



Production unit with a variation of power between p_min et p_max.


  • p_max : maximal instantaneous power production (kW)
  • p_min : minimal instantaneous power production (kW)
  • energy_type : type of energy (‘Electrical’, ‘Heat’, …)

Conversion_units module

This module defines the conversion units, inheriting from AssemblyUnits

The conversion_units module defines various classes of conversion units, from generic to specific ones.

It includes :
  • ConversionUnit: simple conversion unit. It inherits from AssemblyUnit.
  • SingleConversionUnit: Conversion unit made of a single consumption unit and a single production unit. It can be used for any energy vector, and an efficiency ratio between the input (consumption) and the output (production)
  • ElectricalToThermalConversionUnit : Electrical to thermal Conversion unit with an electricity consumption and a thermal production linked by and electrical to thermal ratio. It inherits from ConversionUnit
  • HeatPump : Simple Heat Pump with an electricity consumption, a heat production and a heat consumption. It has a theoretical coefficient of performance COP and inherits from ConversionUnit.
class, name, prod_units=None, cons_units=None, rev_units=None, verbose=True)[source]



Simple Conversion unit, inheriting from AssemblyUnit


  • time : TimeUnit describing the studied time period
  • prod_units : list of the production units
  • cons_units : list of the consumption units
  • poles : dictionary of the poles of the conversion unit
class, name, pmin_in_elec=1e-05, pmax_in_elec=100000.0, p_in_elec=None, pmin_out_elec=1e-05, pmax_out_elec=100000.0, p_out_elec=None, elec_to_elec_ratio=1)[source]



Electrical Conversion unit with an electricity consumption and an electricity production


  • elec_production_unit : electricity production unit (electrical output)
  • elec_consumption_unit : electricity consumption unit (electrical input)
  • conversion : Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the electrical

input to the electrical output through the elec_to_elec ratio

class, name, pmin_in_elec=1e-05, pmax_in_elec=100000.0, p_in_elec=None, pmin_out_therm=1e-05, pmax_out_therm=100000.0, p_out_therm=None, elec_to_therm_ratio=1, verbose=True)[source]



DEPRECATED: please now use SingleConversionUnit with relevant energy types

Electrical to thermal Conversion unit with an electricity consumption and a thermal production


  • thermal_production_unit : thermal production unit (thermal output)
  • elec_consumption_unit : electricity consumption unit (electrical input)
  • conversion : Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the electrical
input to
the thermal output through the electrical to thermal ratio
class, name, pmin_in_elec=1e-05, pmax_in_elec=100000.0, p_in_elec=None, pmin_in_therm=1e-05, pmax_in_therm=100000.0, p_in_therm=None, pmin_out_therm=1e-05, pmax_out_therm=100000.0, p_out_therm=None, cop=3, losses=0, min_time_on=None)[source]



Simple Heat Pump with an electricity consumption, a thermal production and a thermal consumption. It has a theoretical coefficient of performance COP and inherits from ConversionUnit.


  • thermal_production_unit : thermal production unit (condenser)
  • elec_consumption_unit : electricity consumption unit (electrical input)
  • thermal_consumption_unit : heay consumption unit (evaporator)
  • COP : Quantity describing the coefficient of performance of the heat pump
  • conversion : Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the electrical

input to the thermal output through the electrical to thermal ratio * power_flow : Definition Dynamic constraint linking the thermal output to the electrical and thermal inputs in relation to the losses.

class, name, pmin_up=1e-05, pmax_up=100000.0, pmin_down=1e-05, pmax_down=100000.0, up2down_eff=1, down2up_eff=1, energy_type_up=None, energy_type_down=None, verbose=True)[source]



Reversible Conversion unit with two reversible units, one for each side of the conversion unit. Theses sides will be called upstream and downstream.


  • rev_unit_upstream: reversible unit upstream
  • rev_unit_downstream: reversible unit downstream
  • conversion_up2down: Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the

consumption of the upstream reversible unit to the production of the downstream reversible unit through the up2down_eff * conversion_down2up: Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the consumption of the downstream reversible unit to the production of the upstream reversible unit through the down2up_eff

class, name, pmin_in=1e-05, pmax_in=100000.0, p_in=None, energy_type_in=None, pmin_out=1e-05, pmax_out=100000.0, p_out=None, energy_type_out=None, efficiency_ratio=1, verbose=True)[source]



Conversion unit made of a single consumption unit and a single production unit. It can be used for any energy vector, and an efficiency ratio between the input (consumption) and the output (production)

Attributes * production_unit: output of the conversion unit * consumption_unit: input of the conversion unit * conversion: Definition Dynamic Constraint linking the input to the output through a ratio

Storage_units module

This module defines the storage units

The storage_units module defines various kinds of storage units with associated attributes and methods, from simple to specific ones.

It includes :
  • StorageUnit : simple storage unit inheriting from EnergyUnit, with storage specific attributes. It includes the objective “minimize capacity”.
  • Thermocline storage : a thermal storage that need to cycle (i.e. reach SOC_max) every period of Tcycle
class, name, pc_min=1e-05, pc_max=None, pd_min=1e-05, pd_max=None, capacity=None, e_0=None, e_f=None, soc_min=0, soc_max=1, eff_c=1, eff_d=1, self_disch=0, self_disch_t=0, ef_is_e0=False, cycles=None, energy_type=None, e_min=None, e_max=None)[source]



Simple Storage unit


  • capacity (Quantity): maximal energy that can be stored [kWh]
  • e (Quantity): energy at time t in the storage [kWh]
  • set_soc_min (TechnicalDynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be above the value : soc_min*capacity
  • set_soc_max (TechnicalDynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be below the value : soc_max*capacity
  • pc_max (Quantity) : maximal charging power, used for sizing

optimisation [kW] * pd_max (Quantity) : maximal discharging power, used for sizing optimisation [kW] * pc (Quantity) : charging power [kW] * pd (Quantity) : discharging power [kW] * uc (Quantity) : binary variable describing the charge of the

storage unit : 0 : Not charging & 1 : charging
  • calc_e (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : energy calculation at time t ; relation power/energy
  • calc_p (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : power calculation at time t ;
flow equals charging power minus discharging power
  • on_off_stor (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : making u[t] matching with storage modes (on/off)
  • def_max_charging (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : defining the max
power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time
  • def_max_discharging (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : defining the max discharging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time
  • def_min_charging (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : defining the min
power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time
  • def_min_discharging (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : defining the min discharging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time
  • set_e_0 (ActorConstraint) : set the energy state for t=0
  • e_f (Quantity) : energy in the storage at the end of the time horizon, i.e. after the last time step [kWh]
  • e_f_min (TechnicalConstraint) : e_f value is constrained above soc_min*capacity
  • e_f_max (TechnicalConstraint) : e_f value is constrained below soc_max*capacity
  • set_e_f (ActorConstraint) : when e_f is given, it is set in the same way the energy is, but after the last time step
  • calc_e_f (DefinitionConstraint) : when e_f is not given, it is calculated in the same way the energy is, but after the last time step
  • ef_is_e0 (TechnicalConstraint) : Imposing ef=e0 on the time period.
  • cycles (TechnicalDynamicConstraint) : setting a cycle constraint e[t] = e[t+cycles/dt]
minimize_capacity(pc_max_ratio=None, pd_max_ratio=None, max_capacity=None, soc_0=None, weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective of minimizing the capacity. If pc_max_ratio and pd_max_ratio are set AND pc_max and pd_max have None value in the StorageUnit, pc_max and pd_max are constrained to have values in accordance with the given ratio of the capacity.

  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pc_max_ratio – ratio of the capacity that is pc_max i.e. if

pc_max_ratio is 1/2, and capacity is 2 kWh, pc_max=1kW :param pd_max_ratio: ratio of the capacity that is pd_max i.e. if pd_max_ratio is 1/2, and capacity is 2 kWh, pd_max=1kW :param max_capacity: maximal capacity that can be ensured (kWh) :param soc_0: initial state of charge for the storage :param pareto: if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on

this objective (two objectives needed)
minimize_gwp(gwp_per_Wh=None, pc_max_ratio=None, pd_max_ratio=None, weight=1, pareto=False)[source]

Objective of minimizing the Global Warming Potential of the battery. If pc_max_ratio and pd_max_ratio are set AND pc_max and pd_max have None value in the StorageUnit, pc_max and pd_max are constrained to have values in accordance with the given ratio of the capacity.

  • gwp_per_Wh – Global Warming Potential per WattHour of capacity.
  • weight – Weight coefficient for the objective
  • pc_max_ratio – ratio of the capacity that is pc_max i.e. if

pc_max_ratio is 1/2, and capacity is 2 kWh, pc_max=1kW :param pd_max_ratio: ratio of the capacity that is pd_max i.e. if pd_max_ratio is 1/2, and capacity is 2 kWh, pd_max=1kW :param pareto: if True, OMEGAlpes calculates a pareto front based on

this objective (two objectives needed)
class, name, pc_min=1e-05, pc_max=100000.0, pd_min=1e-05, pd_max=100000.0, capacity=None, e_0=None, e_f=None, soc_min=0, soc_max=1, eff_c=1, eff_d=1, self_disch=0, e_min=None, e_max=None, Tcycl=120, ef_is_e0=False)[source]



Class ThermoclineStorage : class defining a thermocline heat storage, inheriting from StorageUnit.


  • is_soc_max (Quantity) : indicating if the storage is fully charged 0:No 1:Yes
  • def_is_soc_max_inf (DynamicConstraint) : setting the right value for is_soc_max
  • def_is_soc_max_sup (DynamicConstraint) : setting the right value for is_soc_max
  • force_soc_max (TechnicalDynamicConstraint) : The energy has to be
at least
once at its maximal value during the period Tcycl.

Reversible_units module

This module defines the reversible units

The reversible_units module defines various kinds of reversible units with associated attributes and methods, from simple to specific ones, inheriting from AssemblyUnit.

It includes :
  • ReversibleUnit : simple reversible unit with only one consumption and

one production units. It can both produce and consume energy but not at the same time.

class, name, pmin_cons=1e-05, pmax_cons=100000.0, p_cons=None, pmin_prod=1e-05, pmax_prod=100000.0, p_prod=None, energy_type_prod=None, energy_type_cons=None, verbose=True)[source]



Simple Reversible unit inheriting from AssemblyUnit. It is made of a consumption unit and a production unit that can both operate but not at the same time (reversible constraint).


  • production_unit (ProductionUnit)
  • consumption_unit (ConsumptionUnit)
  • def_rev (DefinitionDynamicConstraint): definition of the reversible

constraint * def_rev_c (DefinitionDynamicConstraint): definition of the reversible constraint in the case where only the consumption is fixed * def_rev_p (DefinitionDynamicConstraint): definition of the reversible constraint in the case where only the production is fixed

Energy_nodes module

This module defines the energy nodes that will allow energy transmission between the various energy units and conversion units

The energy_node module includes the EnergyNode class for energy transmission between production, consumption, conversion and storage. Defining several energy nodes and exporting/importing energy between them can also allow for a better demarcation of the energy system.

class, name, energy_type=None, operator=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

This class defines an energy node.


Add an EnergyUnit to the connected_units list

add_pole(pole: → None[source]

Add an energy pole to the poles_list

Parameters:pole – Epole

Connecting all EnergyUnit to the EnergyNode

Parameters:units (EnergyUnit) – EnergyUnits connected to the EnergyNode
create_export(node, export_min, export_max)[source]

Create the export from the EnergyNode (self) to the EnergyNode (node)

  • node – EnergyNode to whom power can be exported
  • export_min – Minimal value of exported power when there is export
  • export_max – Maximal value of exported power when there is export

Quantity that defines the power exported

export_to_node(node, export_min=1e-05, export_max=100000.0)[source]

Add an export of power from the node to another node

  • node – EnergyNode to whom power can be exported
  • export_min – Minimal value of exported power when there is export
  • export_max – Maximal value of exported power when there is export

Return the list of connected EnergyUnits in the EnergyNode


Return the list of exports to the EnergyNode


Get all the power flows of the energy node :rtype: list :return: list of power flows


Return the list of imports to the EnergyNode


Return the list of energy poles in the EnergyNode

import_from_node(node, import_min=1e-05, import_max=100000.0)[source]
  • node – EnergyNode from whom power can be imported
  • import_min – Minimal value of imported power when there is import
  • import_max – Maximal value of imported power when there is import

Get if the power flow is an export or not


Get if the power flow is an import or not


Set the power balance equation for the EnergyNode

Thermal Building module

This module enables to model buildings as thermal loads

class, name, tz, p_max=10000000000000.0, T_set=19, temp_margin=1, no_cooling=True)[source]


maximize_thermal_comfort(T_op=None, weight=1)[source]
  • T_op – Operative temperature wished for the maximal thermal comfort
  • weight – Weight of the objective
class, name, T_ext, theta_ec, theta_em, T_int_min=0, T_int_max=50, theta_ea=None, theta_c=None, theta_m=None, h_ea=0, h_ac=0, h_ec=0, h_mc=0, h_em=0, c_m=0, f_im=None, f_r_l=0.7, f_r_p=0.5, f_r_a=0.2, f_sa=0.1, f_sm=None, f_sc=None, f_ic=None, f_hc_cv=None, U_wall=0.2, U_win=1.2, U_roof=0.2, e_wall=0.9, e_win=0.9, e_roof=0.9, a_wall=0.6, a_roof=0.6, A_wall=None, A_win=None, A_roof=None, owner=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

class, phi_i_a, phi_i_l, phi_i_p, I_sol_av, Fsh_win, T_mean, T_dew, sky_cover=1, T_ext=None, hvac_prop=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

split_heating_and_cooling(p_max_heating=10000000000000.0, p_max_cooling=10000000000000.0)[source]
class, name, T_ext, A_f, A_win, Aext_v, A_roof, footprint, U_win, U_wall, U_roof, U_base, floors, e_wall=0.9, e_win=0.9, e_roof=0.9, a_wall=0.6, a_roof=0.6, construction='heavy', height_bg=0, perimeter=0, f_hc_cv=1, void=0, hvac_prop=None, T_int_min=0, T_int_max=50, owner=None)[source]

Bases:, Af)[source], perimeter, footprint)[source], void, window_to_wall_ratio)[source], U_wall, footprint, U_roof)[source], U_base)[source], Aop_sup, footprint, U_base, U_wall, U_roof)[source], Tdew, Tlin, sky_cover=1)[source]
  • T_dry – Dry bulb temperature in Celsius
  • T_dew – Dew point temperature in Celsius
  • sky_cover

list(A), list(B):, Aop_sup, Aroof, Awin, a_wall, a_roof, U_wall, U_roof, Fsh_win)[source]
  • I_sol_average – W/m2
  • Aop_sup – Opaque wall areas above ground (excluding voids and windows) [m2]
  • Aroof – Roof area [m2]
  • Awin – Windows area [m2]
  • a_wall – Absorption coefficient of the walls [0..1]
  • a_roof – Absorption coefficeint of the roof [0..1]
  • U_wall
  • U_roof
  • Fsh_win – Shading factor for windows

I_sol [kW], T_dew, sky_cover=1)[source]
  • T_dry – Dry bulb temperature in Celsius
  • T_dew – Dew point temperature in Celsius
  • sky_cover – Sky cover, Af)[source], Tdewpoint, N=1)[source]
Copyright 2014, Architecture and Building Systems - ETH Zurich
  • Tdrybulb – Drybuld temperature [°C]
  • Tdewpoint – Dewpoint temperature [°C]
  • N – Sky cover

Sky temperature in °C[source]
Description code Cm_Af Light construction T1 110000 Medium construction T2 165000 Heavy construction T3 300000[source]

Look up the factor to multiply the conditioned floor area by to get the effective mass area by building construction type. This is used for the calculation of the effective mass area “Am” in get_prop_RC_model. Standard values can be found in the Annex G of ISO EN13790

param:cm: The internal heat capacity per unit of area [J/m2].
return:Effective mass area factor (0, 2.5 or 3.2 depending on cm value)., T_dew, sky_cover, Tlin, U_win, U_wall, U_roof, e_win, e_wall, e_roof, A_win, A_wall, A_roof, name)[source]

Exergy module

This module contains the exergy assessment routines of OMEGALPES. This module:

  1. Determines inlet, outlet or contained exergy of, respectively, any ConsumptionUnit, ProductionUnit or StorageUnit.

2) Determines exergy destruction within any EnergyUnit. 2) Recognizes Electrical and Thermal energy. 3) Can calculate exergy for a single unit or for a list of units. 4) Can proceed with only one temperature value or with a list of temperatures.

4.1. Formulates exergy for one single EnergyUnit and temperature. 4.2. Formulates timely exergy if one single EnergyUnit and a list of temperatures is provided. 4.3. Formulates exergy for each unit within a list of EnergyUnits if only

one temperature is provided.
4.4. Formulates timely exergy for each unit within a list of EnergyUnits if
a list of temperatures is provided.

The exergy-related classes defined in this module are not physical units. They are virtual units attached to their energetic counterparts. Consequently, the exergy and exergy destruction calculated in this module are attached to the EnergyUnit as a Quantity at the moment of calculating it.


Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

class, exergy_eff=1, temp_ref=20, temp_heat=None)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

class, temp_heat: int, temp_ref=20)[source]

Bases: omegalpes.general.optimisation.core.OptObject

Poles module

This module defines inputs and outputs of as poles

The poles module includes :
  • FlowPole : this class defines a pole with a directed flow (in or out)
  • EPole : this class define an energy pole
class, direction, energy_type=None)[source]



Definition of an energetic pole, power and power flow direction convention ‘in’ or ‘out’
class'flow', direction='in')[source]

Bases: dict


Interface for basics flux poles