Source code for

#! usr/bin/env python3
#  coding=utf-8 #

**This module defines the storage units**

 The storage_units module defines various kinds of storage units with
 associated attributes and methods, from simple to specific ones.

 It includes :
    - StorageUnit : simple storage unit inheriting from EnergyUnit,
      with storage specific attributes. It includes the objective "minimize
    - Thermocline storage : a thermal storage that need to cycle (i.e.
      reach SOC_max) every period of Tcycle

    Copyright 2018 G2Elab / MAGE

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at

    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

from pulp import LpBinary

from .energy_units import AssemblyUnit
from .energy_units import VariableEnergyUnit
from .production_units import VariableProductionUnit
from .consumption_units import VariableConsumptionUnit
from ...general.optimisation.elements import *
import warnings

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

[docs]class StorageUnit(AssemblyUnit): """ **Description** Simple Storage unit If storage capacity isn't an optimization variable, please assign a capacity value. **Attributes** * charge (VariableConsumptionUnit) : represents the charge part of the storage unit * discharge (VariableProductionUnit) : represents the discharge part of the storage unit * capacity (Quantity): maximal energy that can be stored [kWh] * e (Quantity): energy at time t in the storage [kWh] * p (Quantity): power at time t in the storage [kW] * e (Quantity): energy at time t in the storage [Binary] * set_soc_min (TechnicalDynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be above the value : soc_min*capacity * set_soc_max (TechnicalDynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be below the value : soc_max*capacity storage unit : 0 : Not charging & 1 : charging * calc_e (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : energy calculation at time t ; relation power/energy * calc_p (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : power calculation at time t ; power flow equals charging power minus discharging power * on_off_stor (DefinitionDynamicConstraint) : making u[t] matching with storage modes (on/off) * set_e_0 (ActorConstraint) : set the energy state for t=0 * e_f (Quantity) : energy in the storage at the end of the time horizon, i.e. after the last time step [kWh] * e_f_min (TechnicalConstraint) : e_f value is constrained above soc_min*capacity * e_f_max (TechnicalConstraint) : e_f value is constrained below soc_max*capacity * set_e_f (ActorConstraint) : when e_f is given, it is set in the same way the energy is, but after the last time step * calc_e_f (DefinitionConstraint) : when e_f is not given, it is calculated in the same way the energy is, but after the last time step * ef_is_e0 (TechnicalConstraint) : Imposing ef=e0 on the time period. * cycles (TechnicalDynamicConstraint) : setting a cycle constraint e[t] = e[t+cycles/dt] """ def __init__(self, time, name, pc_min=1e-5, pc_max=None, pd_min=1e-5, pd_max=None, capacity=None, e_0=None, e_f=None, soc_min=0, soc_max=1, eff_c=1, eff_d=1, self_disch=0, self_disch_t=0, ef_is_e0=False, cycles=None, energy_type=None, e_min_ch=None, e_max_ch=None, e_min_disch=None, e_max_disch=None): """ :param time: TimeUnit describing the studied time period :param name: name of the storage unit :param pc_min: minimal charging power [kW] :param pc_max: maximal charging power [kW], if not assigned, if storage capacity isn't a optimization variable, its value is equal to the capacity vlalue if storage capacity is a optimisation variable, pc_max also is an optimisation variable :param pd_min: minimal discharging power [kW] :param pd_max: maximal discharging power [kW], if not assigned, if storage capacity isn't a optimization variable, its value is equal to the capacity vlalue if storage capacity is a optimisation variable, pd_max also is an optimisation variable :param capacity: maximal energy that can be stored [kWh] :param e_0: initial level of energy [kWh] :param e_f: final level of energy [kWh] :param soc_min: minimal state of charge [pu] :param soc_max: maximal state of charge [pu] :param eff_c: charging efficiency :param eff_d: discharging efficiency :param self_disch: part of the capacity that is self-discharging [pu/h] :param self_disch_t: part of the energy that is self-discharging [pu/h] :param ef_is_e0: binary describing whether the storage is working at constant energy during the entire time period (e_0=e_f) or not. :param cycles: number of hours between cycling :e[t] = e[ t+cycles/dt] [hours] :param energy_type: energy type the storage unit is used with :param e_min_ch: minimal energy charged by the storage on the whole studied period :param e_max_ch: maximal energy charged by the storage on the whole studied period :param e_min_disch: minimal energy discharged by the storage on the whole studied period :param e_max_disch: maximal energy discharged by the storage on the whole studied period """ if pc_max is None: if capacity is None: pc_max_eq = 1e5 else: pc_max_eq = capacity print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") print( "pc_max is not defined: the maximum charging power is set" " to the value of the capacity") print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") else: pc_max_eq = pc_max if pd_max is None: if capacity is None: pd_max_eq = 1e5 else: pd_max_eq = capacity print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") print("pd_max is not defined: the maximum charging power is " "set to the value of the capacity") print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") else: pd_max_eq = pd_max self.discharge = VariableProductionUnit(time, name + '_discharge', p_min=pd_min, p_max=pd_max_eq, e_min=e_min_disch, e_max=e_max_disch, energy_type=energy_type) self.charge = VariableConsumptionUnit(time, name + '_charge', p_min=pc_min, p_max=pc_max_eq, e_min=e_min_ch, e_max=e_max_ch, energy_type=energy_type) AssemblyUnit.__init__(self, time, name, prod_units=[self.discharge], cons_units=[self.charge]) # --- Checking the state of charge boundaries of the storage system --- if isinstance(soc_min, (float, int)) and isinstance(soc_max, (float, int)): if soc_min > soc_max: raise ValueError('You cannot have soc_min > soc_max') elif soc_min > 1 or soc_min < 0 or soc_max > 1 or soc_max < 0: raise ValueError('The soc_min and soc_max values are ' 'expressed as percentages of the capacity and' ' must be set between 0 and 1') if soc_min is None or soc_max is None: raise ValueError('soc_min and soc_max should not be None') self.energy_type = energy_type self.capacity = Quantity(name='capacity', unit='kWh', value=capacity, lb=0, vlen=1, parent=self) if capacity is None: warnings.warn("If you are not using minimize_capacity, " "the capacity value should be defined") self.e = Quantity(name='e', opt=True, description='energy at t in the storage', unit='kWh', vlen=time.LEN, lb=0, ub=capacity, parent=self) self.u = Quantity(name='u', description='indicates if the unit is operating ' 'at t', vtype=LpBinary, vlen=time.LEN, parent=self) self.p = Quantity(name='p', opt=True, description='power at t in the storage', unit='kW', vlen=time.LEN, lb=-pd_max_eq, ub=pc_max_eq, parent=self) self.e_tot = Quantity(name='e_tot', description='total energy during the time ' 'period', lb=0, ub=capacity, vlen=1, unit='kWh', parent=self) self.calc_e_tot = DefinitionConstraint(name='calc_e_tot', parent=self, exp='{0}_e_tot == time.DT * ' 'lpSum({0}_p[t] for t in ' 'time.I)' .format( # Giving an equivalent value to pc and pd maximal value in case they # are not defined self.pc_max = Quantity(name='pc_max', description='maximum charging ' 'power', unit='kW', value=pc_max if pc_max is not None else capacity, lb=0, vlen=1, parent=self) self.pd_max = Quantity(name='pd_max', description='maximum ' 'discharging power', unit='kW', value=pd_max if pd_max is not None else capacity, lb=0, vlen=1, parent=self) self.self_disch_t = self_disch_t if isinstance(soc_min, (int, float)): self.set_soc_min = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_e[t] >= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min), name='set_soc_min', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_min, list): self.set_soc_min = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_e[t] >= {1}[t] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min), name='set_soc_min', parent=self) if isinstance(soc_max, (int, float)): self.set_soc_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_e[t] <= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max), name='set_soc_max', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_max, list): self.set_soc_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_e[t] <= {1}[t] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max), name='set_soc_max', parent=self) # CONSTRAINTS # Relation power/energy if 0 <= self_disch <= 1 and 0 <= self_disch_t <= 1: self.calc_e = \ DefinitionDynamicConstraint(name='calc_e', t_range=' for t in time.I[:-1]', exp_t='{0}_e[t+1] - {0}_e[t]*(' '1-{1}*time.DT)' ' - time.DT * ({5}_p[t]*{3}' '- {6}_p[t]*1/{4}- {2}*' '{0}_capacity) == 0' .format(, self_disch_t, self_disch, eff_c, eff_d,,, parent=self) else: raise ValueError('self_disch & self_disch_t should have values ' 'between 0 and 1 and are set to {0} and {1}' .format(self_disch, self_disch_t)) # Power flow equals charging power minus discharging power self.calc_p = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_p[t] == {1}_p[t] - {2}_p[t]'.format(,,, t_range='for t in time.I', name='calc_p', parent=self) # For storage, as the power can be both positive and negative, # two constraints are needed to make u[t] match with on/off self.on_off_stor = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_charge_p[t] + {0}_discharge_p[t] - {0}_u[t] * {eps}' ' >= 0'.format(, eps=0.001), t_range='for t in time.I', name='on_off_stor', parent=self) # This constraint forces the discharge to be off when the charge is on if self.pc_max.opt: self.def_max_discharging = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{2}_p[t] - (1 - {1}_u[t]) * 1e5 <= 0'.format(,,, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_max_discharging', parent=self) else: self.def_max_discharging = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{2}_p[t] - (1 - {1}_u[t]) * {0}_pc_max <= 0'.format(,,, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_max_discharging', parent=self) # --- Constraints for initial and final states of charge --- # Setting the state of charge for t=0 if e_0 is not None: self.set_e_0 = ActorConstraint(name='set_e_0', exp='{0}_e[0] == {1}' .format(, e_0), parent=self) # e_f should be in between the boundaries # [soc_min*capacity; soc_max*capacity] # (even when the capacity is not defined), and the result of the # last charging/ discharging powers and losses applied the energy at # the last timestep. if e_f is not None: self.e_f = Quantity(name='e_f', opt=False, value=e_f, description='energy in the storage at the ' 'end of the time horizon, i.e.' ' after the last time step', unit='kWh', vlen=1, lb=0, ub=capacity, parent=self) if isinstance(soc_min, (int, float)): self.e_f_min = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f >= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min), name='e_f_min', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_min, list): self.e_f_min = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f >= {1}[{2}] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min, time.I[-1]), name='set_soc_min', parent=self) if isinstance(soc_max, (int, float)): self.e_f_max = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f <= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max), name='e_f_max', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_max, list): self.e_f_max = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f <= {1}[{2}] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max, time.I[-1]), name='set_soc_max', parent=self) self.set_e_f = ActorConstraint \ (name='set_e_f', exp='{0}_e_f-{0}_e[{1}] == {2}*({7}_p[{1}]*{3}-' '{8}_p[{1}]*1/{4}-{5}*{0}_e[{1}]-{6}*{0}_capacity)' .format(, time.I[-1], time.DT, eff_c, eff_d, self_disch_t, self_disch,,, parent=self) else: self.e_f = Quantity(name='e_f', opt=True, description='energy in the storage at the end ' 'of the time horizon, i.e. after ' 'the last time step', unit='kWh', vlen=1, lb=0, ub=capacity, parent=self) if isinstance(soc_min, (int, float)): self.e_f_min = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f >= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min), name='e_f_min', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_min, list): self.e_f_min = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f >= {1}[{2}] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_min, time.I[-1]), name='set_soc_min', parent=self) if isinstance(soc_max, (int, float)): self.e_f_max = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f <= {1} * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max), name='e_f_max', parent=self) elif isinstance(soc_max, list): self.e_f_max = DefinitionConstraint( exp='{0}_e_f <= {1}[{2}] * {0}_capacity'.format(, soc_max, time.I[-1]), name='set_soc_max', parent=self) # e_f calculation self.calc_e_f = DefinitionConstraint \ (name='calc_e_f', exp='{0}_e_f-{0}_e[{1}] == {2}*({7}_p[{1}]*{3}-' '{8}_p[{1}]*1/{4}-{5}*{0}_e[{1}]-{6}*{0}_capacity)' .format(, time.I[-1], time.DT, eff_c, eff_d, self_disch_t, self_disch,,, parent=self) # Impose ef_is_e0 on the time period if ef_is_e0: if e_f is None or e_0 is None or e_f == e_0: self.ef_is_e0 = ActorConstraint( exp='{0}_e[0] == {0}_e_f'.format(, name='ef_is_e0', parent=self) else: raise ValueError('When ef_is_e0 is set to True, e_f OR e_0 ' 'should remain set to None') if cycles is not None: if type(cycles) == int: delta_t = int(cycles / time.DT) self.set_cycles = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( name='set_cycles', exp_t='{0}_e[t] == {0}_e[t+{1}]'.format(, delta_t), t_range='for t in time.I[:-{0}]'.format(delta_t), parent=self) else: raise TypeError('cycles should be an integer : number of ' 'hours between cycling (e[t] = e[t+cycles/dt]') # OBJECTIVES
[docs] def minimize_capacity(self, pc_max_ratio: float = None, pd_max_ratio: float = None, weight=1): """ Objective of minimizing the capacity. If pc_max_ratio and pd_max_ratio are set AND pc_max and pd_max have None value in the StorageUnit, pc_max and pd_max are constrained to have values in accordance with the given ratio of the capacity. :param weight: Weight coefficient for the objective :param pc_max_ratio : ratio of the capacity for pc_max value i.e. if pc_max_ratio is 1/2, pc_max = capacity / 2. This ratio should be taken in accordance with the value of the time step. :param pd_max_ratio : ratio of the capacity for pd_max value i.e. if pd_max_ratio is 1/2, pd_max = capacity / 2. This ratio should be taken in accordance with the value of the time step. """ def_capacity = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_e[t] <= {0}_capacity' .format(, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_capacity', parent=self) if self.pc_max.opt: if pc_max_ratio is None: def_pc_max_calc = TechnicalConstraint( exp='{0}_pc_max == {0}_capacity*{1}'.format(, 1), name='def_pc_max_calc', parent=self) print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") print("pc_max_ratio is not defined: the maximum charging " "power is set to the value of the capacity") print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") # pc_max definition with the dynamic pc[t] def_pc_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint(exp_t='{1}_p[t] <= ' '{0}_pc_max' .format(, self.charge .name), t_range='for t in ' 'time.I', name='def_pc_max', parent=self) setattr(self, 'def_pc_max', def_pc_max) setattr(self, 'def_pc_max_calc', def_pc_max_calc) else: if isinstance(pc_max_ratio, float): # pc_max calculation with the pc_max_ratio def_pc_max_calc = TechnicalConstraint( exp='{0}_pc_max == {0}_capacity*{1}'.format(, pc_max_ratio), name='def_pc_max_calc', parent=self) # pc_max definition with the dynamic pc[t] def_pc_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{1}_p[t] <= ' '{0}_pc_max' .format(,, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_pc_max', parent=self) setattr(self, 'def_pc_max', def_pc_max) setattr(self, 'def_pc_max_calc', def_pc_max_calc) else: raise ValueError('pc_max ratio should be a float') if self.pd_max.opt: if pd_max_ratio is None: def_pd_max_calc = TechnicalConstraint( exp='{0}_pd_max == {0}_capacity*{1}'.format(, 1), name='def_pd_max_calc', parent=self) print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") print("pd_max_ratio is not defined: the maximum charging " "power is set to the value of the capacity") print( "---------------------------------------------------------" "------------------------------") # pd_max definition with the dynamic pd[t] def_pd_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint(exp_t='{1}_p[t] <= ' '{0}_pd_max' .format(, self.discharge .name), t_range='for t in ' 'time.I', name='def_pd_max', parent=self) setattr(self, 'def_pd_max', def_pd_max) setattr(self, 'def_pd_max_calc', def_pd_max_calc) else: if isinstance(pd_max_ratio, float): # pd_max calculation with the pd_max_ratio def_pd_max_calc = TechnicalConstraint( exp='{0}_pd_max == {0}_capacity*{1}'.format(, pd_max_ratio), name='def_pd_max_calc', parent=self) # pd_max definition with the dynamic pd[t] def_pd_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{1}_p[t] <= ' '{0}_pd_max' .format(,, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_pd_max', parent=self) setattr(self, 'def_pd_max', def_pd_max) setattr(self, 'def_pd_max_calc', def_pd_max_calc) else: raise ValueError('pd_max_ratio should be a float') min_capacity = Objective(name='min_capacity', exp='{0}_capacity'.format(, weight=weight, parent=self) setattr(self, 'def_capacity', def_capacity) setattr(self, 'min_capacity', min_capacity)
[docs]class StorageUnitTm1(StorageUnit): """ **Description** Storage unit where the energy is described at the end of a timestep. Calculation : e[t]-e[t-1] = dt * (pc[t]*eff_c - pd[t]*1/eff_d - self_disch*capa - self_disch_t*e[t]) In this case, e_f is not defined as a quantity **Attributes** * capacity (Quantity): maximal energy that can be stored [kWh] * e (Quantity): energy at time t in the storage [kWh] * set_soc_min (DynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be above the value : soc_min*capacity * set_soc_max (DynamicConstraint): constraining the energy to be below the value : soc_max*capacity * pc (Quantity) : charging power [kW] * pd (Quantity) : discharging power [kW] * uc (Quantity) : binary variable describing the charge of the storage unit : 0 : Not charging & 1 : charging * calc_e (DynamicConstraint) : energy calculation at time t ; relation power/energy * calc_p (DynamicConstraint) : power calculation at time t ; power flow equals charging power minus discharging power * on_off_stor (DynamicConstraint) : making u[t] matching with storage modes (on/off) * def_max_charging (DynamicConstraint) : defining the max charging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time * def_max_discharging (DynamicConstraint) : defining the max discharging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time * def_min_charging (DynamicConstraint) : defining the min charging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time * def_min_discharging (DynamicConstraint) : defining the min discharging power, avoiding charging and discharging at the same time * set_e_0 (ExternalConstraint) : set the energy state for t=0 * set_e_f (ExternalConstraint) : set the energy state for the last time step * ef_is_e0 (ExternalConstraint) : Imposing ef=e0 on the time period. * cycles (ExternalDynamicConstraint) : setting a cycle constraint e[t] = e[t+cycles/dt] """ def __init__(self, time, name='StUtm1', pc_min=1e-5, pc_max=1e+5, pd_min=1e-5, pd_max=1e+5, capacity=None, e_0=None, e_f=None, soc_min=0, soc_max=1, eff_c=1, eff_d=1, self_disch=0, self_disch_t=0, ef_is_e0=False, cycles=None, energy_type=None, operator=None): """ :param time: TimeUnit describing the studied time period :param name: name of the storage unit :param pc_min: minimal charging power [kW] :param pc_max: maximal charging power [kW] :param pd_min: minimal discharging power [kW] :param pd_max: maximal discharging power [kW] :param capacity: maximal energy that can be stored [kWh] :param e_0: initial level of energy [kWh] :param e_f: final level of energy [kWh] :param soc_min: minimal state of charge [pu] :param soc_max: maximal state of charge [pu] :param eff_c: charging efficiency :param eff_d: discharging efficiency :param self_disch: part of the capacity that is self-discharging [pu/h] :param self_disch_t: part of the energy that is self-discharging [pu/h] :param ef_is_e0: binary describing whether the storage is working at constant energy during the entire time period (e_0=e_f) or not. :param cycles: number of hours between cycling (e[t] = e[t+cycles/dt] :param energy_type: energy type the storage unit is used with :param operator: operator of the storage unit """ StorageUnit.__init__(self, time, name=name, pc_min=pc_min, pc_max=pc_max, pd_min=pd_min, pd_max=pd_max, capacity=capacity, e_0=e_0, e_f=e_f, soc_min=soc_min, soc_max=soc_max, eff_c=eff_c, eff_d=eff_d, self_disch=self_disch, ef_is_e0=ef_is_e0, energy_type=energy_type, operator=operator) # CONSTRAINTS # Relation power/energy if 0 <= self_disch <= 1 and 0 <= self_disch_t <= 1: self.calc_e = \ DynamicConstraint(name='calc_e', t_range=' for t in time.I[1:]', exp_t='{0}_e[t]*(1+{1}*time.DT) - {0}_e[t-1]' ' - time.DT * ({5}_p[t]*{3}- ' '{6}_p[t]*1/{4}- {2}*' '{0}_capacity) == 0' .format(, self_disch_t, self_disch, eff_c, eff_d,,, parent=self) else: raise ValueError('self_disch & self_disch_t should have values ' 'between 0 and 1 and are set to {0} and {1}' .format(self_disch, self_disch_t)) # --- External constraints for initial and final states of charge --- # Setting the state of charge for t=0 if e_0 is not None: self.set_e_0 = ExternalConstraint(name='set_e_0', exp='{0}_e[0] == {1}' .format(, e_0), parent=self) # Setting the state of charge for t=t_end # No e_f management here since the energy calculation goes from the # second time step to the last : e_f is already in the energy # calculation. = False = False if e_f is not None: self.set_e_f.exp = '{0}_e[time.I[-1]] == {0}_e_f'.format( else: self.e_f.opt = False = False # Impose ef_is_e0 on the time period if ef_is_e0: if e_f is None or e_0 is None or e_f == e_0: self.ef_is_e0.exp = '{0}_e[0] == {0}_e[time.I[-1]]'.format(
[docs]class ThermoclineStorage(StorageUnit): """ **Description** Class ThermoclineStorage : class defining a thermocline heat storage, inheriting from StorageUnit. **Attributes** * is_soc_max (Quantity) : indicating if the storage is fully charged 0:No 1:Yes * def_is_soc_max_inf (DynamicConstraint) : setting the right value for is_soc_max * def_is_soc_max_sup (DynamicConstraint) : setting the right value for is_soc_max * force_soc_max (TechnicalDynamicConstraint) : The energy has to be at least once at its maximal value during the period Tcycl. """ def __init__(self, time, name, pc_min=1e-5, pc_max=1e+5, pd_min=1e-5, pd_max=1e+5, capacity=None, e_0=None, e_f=None, soc_min=0, soc_max=1, eff_c=1, eff_d=1, self_disch=0, e_min_ch=None, e_max_ch=None, e_min_disch=None, e_max_disch=None, Tcycl=120, ef_is_e0=False): """ :param time: TimeUnit describing the studied time period :param name: name of the storage unit :param pc_min: minimal charging power [kW] :param pc_max: maximal charging power [kW] :param pd_min: minimal discharging power [kW] :param pd_max: maximal discharging power [kW] :param capacity: maximal energy that can be stored [kWh] :param e_0: initial level of energy [kWh] :param e_f: final level of energy [kWh] :param soc_min: minimal state of charge [pu] :param soc_max: maximal state of charge [pu] :param eff_c: charging efficiency :param eff_d: discharging efficiency :param self_disch: part of the soc that is self-discharging [pu] :param Tcycl: period over which the storage is cycling (reaching at least once its max state of charge) [hours] :param e_min: minimal energy consumed by the storage on the whole studied period :param e_max: maximal energy consumed by the storage on the whole studied period :param ef_is_e0: binary describing whether the storage is working at constant energy during the entire time period (e_0=e_f) or not. """ StorageUnit.__init__(self, time, name=name, pc_min=pc_min, pc_max=pc_max, pd_min=pd_min, pd_max=pd_max, capacity=capacity, e_0=e_0, e_f=e_f, soc_min=soc_min, soc_max=soc_max, eff_c=eff_c, eff_d=eff_d, self_disch=self_disch, ef_is_e0=ef_is_e0, e_min_ch=e_min_ch, e_max_ch=e_max_ch, e_min_disch=e_min_disch, e_max_disch=e_max_disch, energy_type='Thermal') # DECISION VARIABLES AND PARAMETERS # Creation of quantities needed for the Thermocline model self.is_soc_max = Quantity(name='is_soc_max', opt=True, vlen=time.LEN, vtype=LpBinary, description='indicates if the storage is ' 'fully charged 0:No 1:Yes', parent=self) # CONSTRAINTS # Thermocline constraints for charge and discharge # Set when we are at the maximal state of charge (soc_max) or not epsilon = 0.1 self.def_is_soc_max_inf = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_capacity * {0}_is_soc_max[t] >= ({0}_e[t] - ' '{0}_capacity + {1})'.format(, epsilon), t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_is_soc_max_inf', parent=self) self.def_is_soc_max_sup = DefinitionDynamicConstraint( exp_t='{0}_capacity * {0}_is_soc_max[t] <= ' '{0}_e[t]'.format(, t_range='for t in time.I', name='def_is_soc_max_sup', parent=self) # The soc has to be at least one time at soc_max during 5 days self.force_soc_max = TechnicalDynamicConstraint( exp_t='lpSum({0}_is_soc_max[k] for k in range(t-{1}+1, t)) ' '>= 1'.format(, round(Tcycl / time.DT)), t_range='for t in time.I[{0}:]'.format(round(Tcycl / time.DT)), name='force_soc_max', parent=self)